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Inyett API / Payment / Warnings



This page show the warnings that are available from Inyett Payment Control. 

Name Database name Description (EN) Scope Category
Deviating Account Pattern DeviatingAccountPattern This payment has a deviating account pattern. Global Transaction
Deviating Amount Pattern DeviatingAmountPattern This payment has a deviating amount pattern. Global Transaction
Deviating Currency Pattern DeviatingCurrencyPattern This payment has a deviating currency pattern. Global Transaction
Duplicate (Same day) DuplicatePaymentSameDay This payment can be a duplicate of type 'Same day'. Global Transaction
Duplicate (Different days) DuplicatePaymentDifferentDays This payment can be a duplicate of type 'Different day'. Global Transaction
Duplicate (Payment reminder) DuplicatePaymentReminder This payment can be a duplicate of type 'Payment reminder'. Global Transaction
Invalid Payment Number InvalidPaymentNumber This payment has an OCR-nr which is not valid. Global Transaction
Limit Amount LimitAmount This payment exceeds/falls below a predetermined amount limit. Global Transaction
Limit Currency LimitCurrency This payment is made in an unauthorised currency. Global Transaction
Limit Cash LimitCash This payment is missing account details about the payee, and will therefore be paid as an 'AVI' Global Transaction
Limit Private Bank Account LimitPrivateBankAccount This payment is specified to go to account type 'bank account', which may be associated with risk. SE / NO Transaction
Account number (Inactive) GiroInactive This payment goes to an account number of type 'giro' that is deregistered. SE  Transaction
Payee       Payee
Warning List (SE) SwedishCompanyWarningList This payee is registered on a warning list in Sweden. Global Payee
Warning List (NO) NorwegianCompanyWarningList This payee is registered on a warning list in Norway. Global Payee
Payee (Blocked) PayeeBlocked This payee is blocked. Global Payee
Account Connection (False) AccountConnectionFalse This payment goes to an account number that is connected to another Global Payee
Account Connection (Missing) AccountConnectionMissing This payment goes to an account number, where the connection to the payee can not be verified. Global Payee
Sanctioned Sanction This payment goes to a recipient, where the company or a person in the role a board member or owner is associated with 'Sanctions' Global Payee
Procurement Procurement This payment goes to a payee who is not a 'Contract supplier', where the limit values are exceeded. Global Payee
Company Status CompanyStatus This payee has a company status that is associated with risk. SE / NO Payee
VAT registration VATRegistration This payee is not registered for VAT. SE / NO Payee
Charity Charity This payment is associated with fundraising/charity. SE / NO Payee
Payroll Tax Registration PayrollTaxRegistration This payee is not registered as an employer. SE Payee
Debts Debts This payee is in debt. SE  Payee
F-tax Ftax This payee is not registered for F-tax. SE Payee
Company Registration CompanyRegistration This payee is missing registration in the Brønnesundsregistrets 'Føretaksregister'. NO Payee
Person       Person
Personal relation (Board) PersonalRelationBoard This payment goes to a recipient where a monitored socialnumber occurs in property of an executive. SE / NO Person
Personal relation (Owner) PersonalRelationOwner This payment goes to a recipient where a monitored socialnumber occurs in property of an executive. SE Person
Trading Prohibition TradingProhibition This payment goes to a recipient where a person in the role of a board member, owner or beneficial owner has a "Trading Prohibition". SE Person