Inyett API / How to connect
Connect to Inyett API
On this page you will find information of which prerequisties exit to use Inyett API and how authenticate.
To access our API, you must first sign an agreement with Inyett. Once this step is completed, there are various methods available to connect to our API.
- API-Key
The common way to connect to our API, is to identify it with an API-key in the header. (Parametername: X-Api-Key)
Depending on the agreement you can have access to different scopes in the API. To get access to your API-key sign in to go to page -> Settings -> Account Information and scroll down to the Applications area. In the Box Inyett Automation you will find the API-key.
Only an administrator on your Inyett profile has access to the key.
- Visma Developer portal
Inyett are a part of Visma, and if your company is a part of Visma you may have access to the Visma developer portal. Then you can ask for access to our API through there. Then you can use Visma Connect to connect to our API.
Our API is categorised into different scopes, and depending on the agreement, you can have access to one or more scopes in the API.
Current scopes in our API:
- Company Data
- Company Control
- Payment Control
- Company Monitor
Recommendation and Contact
If you have any questions regarding our API or have problems connecting please feel free to contact our support.