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Inyett API / Company Data

Company Data

Commercial Description

Inyett Company Data delivers up-to-date, reliable and accurate company information directly to your financial processes. This means higher data quality, reduced risk of errors and mistakes, and efficiency savings by automating processes that would otherwise be handled manually.

User cases

  • Automated qualification when onboarding a Customer and/or Supplier (KYC and KYS) 
  • Fetch data when 'Inyett Company Monitor' are noticing an event.


Accounts Accounts for the Company SE/NO /2/{country}/company-data/companies/{orgNr}/account 
Beneficial Owners Beneficial owners of the Company SE /2/{country}/company-data/companies/{orgNr}/beneficial-owner
Directors Directors for the Company SE / NO /2/{country}/company-data/companies/{orgNr}/directors
Financial Key Results (Eg. Solidity, Quick ratio, Profit margin) SE / NO /2/{country}/company-data/companies/{orgNr}/financial-key-results
Financial Key Results (Group) (Eg. Solidity, Quick ratio, Profit margin) SE / NO /2/{country}/company-data/companies/{orgNr}/group/financial-key-results
Financial Statements Full financial statements (P&L, Balance sheet) SE / NO /2/{country}/company-data/companies/{orgNr}/financial-statements
Financial Statements (Group) Full financial statements  (Group)(P&L, Balance sheet) SE / NO /2/{country}/company-data/companies/{orgNr}/group/financial-statements
Group structure Group structure of a Company SE / NO /2/{country}/company-data/companies/{orgNr}/group-structure
Info Basic information of a Company SE / NO / DK / FI /2/{country}/company-data/companies/{orgNr}/info
Owners Owners of the Company SE / NO /2/{country}/company-data/companies/{orgNr}/owner
Signs Signs for the Company SE / NO /2/{country}/company-data/companies/{orgNr}/sign
Units Units for the Company SE / NO /2/{country}/company-data/companies/{orgNr}/units


Accounts for the Company 
Description: Get a list of accounts for a company
Endpoint: /2/{country}/company-data/companies/{orgNr}/account 

Method: GET

Path Parameters
Name Type Required Description
profileCountry string Yes Country code of the profile using the Endpoint. Available values: SE/NO
country string Yes The country code of the orgNr.  Available values: SE/NO
orgNr string Yes Organisationsnummer of the company. 
AppId   No  




Description (EN)




Account Number




Account Type




Active (True/False)

Beneficial owners of the company
Description: Get a list of benefical owners for a company 
Endpoint: /2/{country}/company-data/companies/{orgNr}/beneficial-owner
Method: GET
Path Parameters
Name Type Required Descirption
profileCountry string Yes Avaliable values: SE/NO
country string Yes  
orgNr string Yes  


Name Type Scope Description (EN)
name string SE / NO Name
socialSecurityNumber string SE / NO Social Security Number
lastName string SE / NO Last Name
firstName string SE / NO First Name
countryOfResidence string SE / NO Country of Residence
citizenShip string SE / NO Citizenship
descriptionSE string SE Description
Directors for the company
Description: Get a list of Directors for a company 
Endpoint: /2​/{country}​/company-data​/companies​/{orgNr}​/directors
Method: GET
Path Parameters
Name Type Required Descirption
profileCountry string Yes Avaliable values: SE/NO
country string Yes  
orgNr string Yes  


Name Type Scope Description (EN)
firstName string SE / NO First Name
givenName string SE / NO Given Name
middleName string SE / NO Middle Name
lastName string SE / NO Last Name
name string SE / NO Name
socialSecurityNumber string SE / NO Social Security Number
active boolean SE / NO Active
roleCode string SE / NO Role (Code)
role string SE / NO Role
fromDate date SE / NO From Date
toDate date SE / NO To Date
Financial Key Results
Description: Get financial key results for a company 
Endpoint: /2​/{country}​/company-data​/companies​/{orgNr}​/financial-key-results 
Method: GET
Path Parameters
Name Type Required Descirption
profileCountry string Yes Country code of the profile using the Endpoint. Available values: SE/NO
country string Yes The country code of the orgNr.  Available values: SE/NO
orgNr string Yes Organisationsnummer of the company. 


Name Type Scope Description (EN)


date SE / NO  


number SE / NO Gross Profit Margin %


number SE / NO Profit Margin %


number SE / NO Risk buffer total capital (KSEK)


number SE / NO Return on capital (%)


number SE / NO Return on total capital (%)


number SE / NO Rate of return (Times)


number SE / NO Return on working capital (%)


number SE / NO Return on total capital EBITDA%


number SE / NO Current Ratio (%)


number SE / NO Working capital (KSEK)


number SE / NO Equity Ratio (%)


number SE / NO Average debt/equity ratio (%)


number SE / NO Degree of debt (Times)


number SE / NO Inventory turnover (Times)


number SE / NO Capital turnover (Times)


number SE / NO Turnover per employee
Financial Key Results (Group)
Description: Get financial key results for the group a company is a part of. 
Endpoint: /2/{country}/company-data/companies/{orgNr}/group/financial-key-results
Method: GET
Path Parameters
Name Type Required Descirption
profileCountry string Yes Country code of the profile using the Endpoint. Available values: SE/NO
country string Yes The country code of the orgNr.  Available values: SE/NO
orgNr string Yes Organisationsnummer of the company. 




Description (EN)
See above (
Financial Key Results)
Financial Statements
Description: Get financial statements for a company
Method: GET
Path Parameters
Name Type Required Descirption
profileCountry string Yes Country code of the profile using the Endpoint. Available values: SE/NO
country string Yes The country code of the orgNr.  Available values: SE/NO
orgNr string Yes Organisationsnummer of the company. 


Name Type Scope Description (EN)
toDate date    
netOperatingIncome number SE / NO Total net operating income
operatingResult number SE / NO Operating profit/loss
resultAfterFin number SE / NO Profit/loss after financial items
netProfitLoss number SE / NO Net profit/loss for year
totTurnoverAssets number SE / NO Current assets
totFixedAssets number SE / NO Total fixed assets
totShortTermDebts number SE / NO Total short-term debts
totLongTermDebts number SE / NO Total long-term debts
totEquity number SE / NO Total equity
totalEquityAndLiability number SE / NO Total equity & liabilities
noEmployees number SE / NO Number of Emplyees
Profit and Loss      
netSales number SE / NO Net sales
changeInventoryWorkInProgress number SE / NO Change in inventories of work in progress
workPerformedOwnUseCapital number SE / NO Work performed by its own use and capitalized
otherOppIncome number SE / NO Other operating incomes (cost type account)
netOperatingIncome number SE / NO Net Operating Income
rawMaterialConsumables number SE / NO Raw material and consumables
goodsResale number SE / NO Goods for resale
otherExtCosts number SE / NO Other external expenses
staffCosts number SE / NO Staff costs
depreciationWriteDowns number SE / NO Depreciation and write-downs
itemAffectingComp number SE / NO Item affecting comparability
otherOppExpenses number SE / NO Other operating expenses
totOperatingExpenses number SE / NO Total Operating Expenses
operatingResult number SE / NO Operating profit/loss
resultPartGroup number SE / NO Resultat från andelar i koncern- och intresseföretag
extInterestInc number SE / NO Externa ränteintäkter
finInterestGroupInc number SE / NO Ränteintäkter från koncernbolag
otherFinInc number SE / NO Övriga finansiella intäkter
interestExpGroup number SE / NO Räntekostnader till koncern
otherFinCosts number SE / NO Övriga finansiella kostnader
resultAfterFin number SE / NO Resultat efter finansnetto
extraordinaryInc number SE / NO Extraordinary incomes
extraordinaryExp number SE / NO Extraordinary expenses
contributeGroup number SE / NO Group contribute
contributeShareholder number SE / NO Shareholders contribution
otherAppropriations number SE / NO Appropriations
tax number SE / NO Tax
minorityInterestProfit number SE / NO Minority interest and profit
netProfitLoss number SE / NO Profit for the year
Balance Sheet      
capExpResDev number SE / NO Capitalized expenditure for research and development
patents number SE / NO Patents, licenses, etc
goodwill number SE / NO Goodwill
otherIntangibleAssets number SE / NO Other intangible asses
totIntangiableAssets number SE / NO Total intangible assets
landBuildings number SE / NO Land and buildings
plantMachinery number SE / NO Plant and machinery
equipmentToolsFixFit number SE / NO Equipment, tools, fixture and fittings
otherMatDepreciation number SE / NO Other material depriciation
otherTangAssNonDep number SE / NO Other tangible assets, non depreciation
totTangiableAssets number SE / NO Total tangible assets
groupShare number SE / NO Group share
accReceivableGroupInterestGroup number SE / NO Accounts receivable corporate group/interest group
loanCoOwners number SE / NO Loan co-owners
otherFinAssets number SE / NO Other financial assets
totFinancialAssets number SE / NO Total financial assets
totFixedAssets number SE / NO Total fixed assets
workOnContract number SE / NO Work on contract
totInventories number SE / NO Total Inventories
accReceivableTrade number SE / NO Accounts receivable - trade
accReceivableGroup number SE / NO Accounts receivable corporate group/interest group
otherAccReceivable number SE / NO Other accounts receivable
cashAndBankBalances number SE / NO Cash and bank balances
otherCurrentAss number SE / NO Other current assets
totTurnoverAssets number SE / NO Current assets
totAssets number SE / NO Total assets
issuedShareCapital number SE / NO Share capital
sharePremiumReserve number SE / NO Share premium reserve
revaluationReserve number SE / NO Revaluation reserve
otherStockholderEquity number SE / NO Other stockholder equity
profitLossBroughtForward number SE / NO Profit or loss brought forward
contributionGroup number SE / NO Group contribution
contributionShareholders number SE / NO Shareholders contibution
netProfitLoss number SE / NO Profit for the year (Net profit)
uity number SE / NO Total equity
untaxedReserves number SE / NO Untaxed reserves
minorityInterests number SE / NO Minority interest
provisions number SE / NO Provisions
ltBondLoan number SE / NO Bond loan
ltLiabCreditInst number SE / NO Liabilities to credit institutions
ltLiabGroupAssComp number SE / NO Liabilities to group/assiciated companies
ltOtherLiab number SE / NO Other long-term liabilities
ltTotDebts number SE / NO Total long-term debts
stLiabCreditInst number SE / NO Liabilities to credit institutions
stAccountsPayableTrade number SE / NO Accounts payable - trade
stLiabGroupAssComp number SE / NO Liabilities to group/assiciated companies
stOtherLiab number SE / NO Other short-term liabilities
otalEquityAndLiab number SE / NO Total current liabilities
Group Financial Statements
Description: Get finincial statements for the group a company is a part of. 
Endpoint: /2/{country}/company-data/companies/{orgNr}/group/financial-key-results
Method: GET
Path Parameters
Name Type Required Descirption
profileCountry string Yes Country code of the profile using the Endpoint. Available values: SE/NO
country string Yes The country code of the orgNr.  Available values: SE/NO
orgNr string Yes Organisationsnummer of the company. 
Field name Type Scope Description (EN)
Se above      
Group Structure of a company 
Description: Get the group structure of a company 
Endpoint: /2/{country}/company-data/companies/{orgNr}/group-structure 
Method: GET
Path Parameters
Name Type Required Descirption
profileCountry string Yes Country code of the profile using the Endpoint. Available values: SE/NO
country string Yes The country code of the orgNr.  Available values: SE/NO
orgNr string Yes Organisationsnummer of the company. 


Name Type Scope Description (EN)
orgNumber string SE / NO Organization number
companyName string SE / NO Group Mother (Name)
countryCode string SE / NO Country Code
countryName string SE / NO Country Name
ownedPercent string SE / NO Owned percent (%)
closestGroupMotherOrgNumber string SE / NO Closest mother
groupMotherOrgNumber string SE / NO Group Mother (Org.Number)
level number SE / NO Level in group
dateUpdated date SE / NO Updated (Date)
Basic information of a company
Description: Get basic information about a company such as contact information, addresses, registration date, legal group etc. 
Endpoint: /2/{country}/company-data/companies/{orgNr}/info 
Method: GET
Path Parameters
Name Type Required Descirption
profileCountry string Yes Country code of the profile using the Endpoint. Available values: SE/NO
country string Yes The country code of the orgNr.  Available values: SE/NO
orgNr string Yes Organisationsnummer of the company. 
Name Type Scope Description (EN)
orgNumber string SE / NO / DK / FI Organization number
name string SE / NO / DK / FI Name
coAddress string SE / NO C/O Address
address string SE /NO / DK / FI Postal adress
zipCode string SE / NO / DK / FI Postal zipcode
town string SE / NO / DK / FI Postal town
phonenumber string SE / NO / DK / FI Phonenumber
faxnumber string SE / NO / DK / FI Faxnumber
email string SE / DK / FI Email
webaddress string SE / DK / FI Website
community string SE / NO / DK / FI Municipality
county string SE / NO / DK / FI County
legalGroup string SE / NO / DK / FI Legal group
legalGroupText string SE / NO / DK / FI Legal group (Description)
registrationDate date SE / NO / DK / FI Registration date
vatRegistered true SE / NO / DK / FI VAT registration
vatNr string SE / NO / DK / FI VAT number
statusCode string SE / NO Statuscode (Eg. 100)
statusName string SE / NO / DK / FI Status (Main)
statusDescription string SE / NO / DK / FI Status (Detailed description)
statusDateFrom 2022-04-29T06:27:15.137Z SE / NO / DK / FI Status (Datum)
specialInformations (See below) name / string / code / string / value /string SE / NO / DK / FI Country specific information


Owners of a company
Description: Get a list of the owners for a company 
Endpoint: /2/{country}/company-data/companies/{orgNr}/owner
Method: GET
Path Parameters
Name Type Required Descirption
profileCountry string Yes Country code of the profile using the Endpoint. Available values: SE/NO
country string Yes The country code of the orgNr.  Available values: SE/NO
orgNr string Yes Organisationsnummer of the company. 
Type Scope Description (EN)
identificationNumber string SE / NO Social security number
name string SE / NO Name
ownerType string SE / NO Type of ownership
numberOfShare number SE / NO Total amount of shares
ownerShares number SE / NO Amount of owned shares
ownershipStake number SE / NO Percent of shares owned
dateUpdated date SE / NO Date
Signs for the company
Endpoint: /2/{country}/company-data/companies/{orgNr}/sign
Method: GET
Path Parameters
Name Type Required Descirption
profileCountry string Yes Country code of the profile using the Endpoint. Available values: SE/NO
country string Yes The country code of the orgNr.  Available values: SE/NO
orgNr string Yes Organisationsnummer of the company. 
Type Scope Description (EN)
text string SE / NO text
dateUpdated date SE / NO Updated (Date)
Units for the company
Description: Gets a list of units for a company. 
Endpoint: /2/{country}/company-data/companies/{orgNr}/sign
Method: GET
Path Parameters
Name Type Required Descirption
profileCountry string Yes Country code of the profile using the Endpoint. Available values: SE/NO
country string Yes The country code of the orgNr.  Available values: SE/NO
orgNr string Yes Organisationsnummer of the company. 
Type Scope Description (EN)
officeName string SE / NO Name
officeType string SE / NO Office type
coAddress string SE / NO C/O-address
address string SE/NO Address
zipCode string SE / NO Zipcode
town string SE / NO Town
phoneNumber string SE / NO Phonenumber
faxNumber string SE / NO Faxnumber
email string SE / NO Email
sniCode string SE/NO Industry (code)
sniDescription string SE/NO Industry(Description)
dateUpdated date SE/NO Updated (date)