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Inyett API / Company Insights

Company Insights


Company Insights provides in-depth analyses and insights into your business’s payment data and relationships with customers, suppliers, and other business partners. You gain access to detailed insights that drive efficiency, minimize error handling, and optimize your credit assessment and risk management.  

Name Description Endpoint
Insights/Relations Get all organisationnumbers with a specific relation tag. GET ​/3​/{profileCountry}​/insights/relations
Insights/relation-tags  Get a list of all relation tags. GET ​/3​/{profileCountry}​/insights/relation-tags


Get all companies with a specific relationtag
Description: Returns a list of that has the relationtag sent in the request. Get the list by the relation-tagId. To get  the relationTagId use endpoint Insights/relation-tags. 
Endpoint:  ​/3​/{profileCountry}​/insights/relations

Method: GET

Path Parameters
Name Type Required Description
profileCountry string True Country of the profile(NO or SE)
relationTagId string True Id of the relationtag you want to fect connected companies 
Fetch string False How many organisationumer you want to fetch
Offset string False Number of records to skip before starting to return results



Field name


Description (EN)

id string Id of the entity
relationTagId string The Id of the ralationtype
relationName int Name of the relationtag
orgNr int Organisationnumber that has the relationtag
Get all relationtypes
Description: Get all the relationtags you have on your profile. 
Endpoint:  ​/3​/{profileCountry}​/insights/relation-tags

Method: GET

Path Parameters
Name Type Required Description
profileCountry string True Country of the profile(SE or NO)



Field name


Description (EN)

id string The id of the relationtag
name string The name of the relationtag


User Story: Enhancing Business Relationship Management Through Company Insights API


Title: Efficient Management of Business Relationships and Risks

As a product manager in a company that relies heavily on timely and insightful data to manage our relationships with customers, suppliers, and other business partners,

I want to leverage the Company Insights API to obtain in-depth analyses and insights into our business's payment data and relationships,

So that we can streamline efficiency, optimize relationship management, and improve risk management and credit assessment.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Retrieve All Relation Tags:

   - Ability to access all relation tags associated with our profile, enabling us to effectively categorize our business relationships.

  1. Fetch Specific Business Relationships:

   - Capability to retrieve a list of associated with specific relation tags, allowing for targeted analysis and management of these relationships.

Business Value:

- Enhanced Decision-making: By integrating rich, actionable data directly into our financial and management systems, the Company Insights API supports better-informed decisions, fostering a competitive advantage in how we manage our relationships and assess risks.

- Improved Efficiency: Automating the extraction and categorization of relationship data streamlines operations, reduces the potential for human error, and optimises our resource allocation.

- Risk Management Optimization: A clearer understanding of our relationships with customers, suppliers, and partners aids in identifying and mitigating financial and operational risks before they impact our business.

This direct access to detailed, categorized insights about our business relationships not only drives efficiency and risk management improvements but also empowers us to build stronger, more strategic partnerships that are crucial to our long-term success and resilience.